National Renewable Energy Laboratory

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is country’s key laboratory for renewable power and energy effectiveness study and improvement.

NREL’s job and plan are focused on promoting the Department of Energy of US and our country’s energy targets. The scientists and researchers of this lab support serious market objectives for the researches. This labs work is to understand the sources of energy and to look out that how they can be used for country’s advancement and requirements. This lab contributes in finding the non-conventional and renewable sources of energy for homes, offices, transportation and other needs of common man.

R&D Expertise

National Renewable Energy Laboratory research is directed towards the goal to fulfill nation energy requirements, this lab does this by doing new innovations in the field of energy, the R&D in the lab are done for the betterment of energy related issues, the basic purpose of all these researches and development is to provide a economical and environment friendly energy, and make the nation fully self dependent in terms of energy. The areas of  NREL  expertise are:

Renewable energy

Engineering and testing of integrated energy system

Fuels that can be renewed

Transfer of Technology

Analysis of Strategic energy

The most critical part of the mission is to transfer its technologies to the market of renewable energy, for this an office is running under the lab which is known as NREL’s Commercial & Technology Transfer office, by the help of this office the lab demonstrates the technology which it has developed and tries to provide it to other countries and part of the world. National Renewable Energy Laboratory has awarded about 45 times for this. It’s the commitment of this lab to provide standard and deep research on renewable energy.


Clean Energy Innovation Spectrum

For a period of more than 30 years National Renewable Energy Laboratory is continuously working on the advancement of the science of renewable energy, and the technologies that are energy efficient. This lab is doing a lot of work in the field of transforming the energy systems to achieve the goals for fulfillment of the energy requirement of the country. The Clean Energy Innovation Spectrum of NREL gives an overall approach to transform the energy system of nation to clean and efficient energy.

Laboratory Director

The director of National Renewable Energy Laboratory is Dan E. Arvizu, he became the eighth director of this lab, and he took over the charge of lab on 15th January 2005, prior to this assignment he was working as an executive with CH2M Hill companies. He was senior vice President and also the chief technology officer in the Federal and Industrial Client Groups.

Operations & Outreach

The mission of this lab is to develop about the renewable energy and to develop energy efficient systems with continuous advance studies and research in this area. All this is done to fulfill the energy and environmental needs of the country.

The strategy of NREL is to focus in the right direction to increase its effect of the Department of Energy along with the nation’s objective to be self dependent and clean on energy related issues. Other strategy is to work in the direction to produce some new innovations which are market oriented.

NREL became functional in 1977, at that time it was names as Solar Energy Research Institute, then it was declared the national lab for Department of Energy of US in September 1991 and the new name was given to this lab.

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